

I was thinking about why it was cold in my house and finally figured out that there were the windows!
so I went to a DIY store for ready‐made inner windows and checked it out and found out that was too expensive! I can't afford it even if I really want to. what the heck.

I heard that it's a human rights to live comfortably abroad. I mean, some laws requires that lowest temperature in room is 18 degrees. but in Japan, there are nothing to be required by law in private life. it's self-responsibility, no more no less.

Should I DIY instead? but I'm all thumbs when it comes to DIY. but as the saying goes, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. oh! that remind me. I'm hungry honesty.
seriously, what should I do? I wish I won the lottery or something. I didn't get that sort of, though.

keeping more cats? does it work? or dog? or giraffe or something?
I guess I might as well buy inner windows as keep giraffes.

Where'd "giraffes" come from?

