I think I work out symmetrically, but now, for some reason, only one side of my body is sore. it's a mystery.
I'm probably skinny and able to handle only light weights, if I keep this way, my muscles will deteriorate in old age and I will not be able to lead a healthy life. what should I do?
what I did was eat a lot! thanks to this, I gained about 2 kg in two months.
the question is whether I gained muscle or body fat.
considering the weight I can handle has not changed... no waaaayyyy! (I don't want unnecessary body fat.)
let's change the way we think.
probably in the normal range now.
it is difficult to define normal.
as times change, so does the normal.
it could be normal but unhealthy.
where is the normal range mentally.
abnormal but healthy. ←what? you're going to be sorry someday!
脂肪肝になるのが先か、サルコペニアになるのが先か、、、どちらも嫌だ!(なぜそのような極端な思考に走る? ←だから性格だって)