

There gets condensation on the windows at the time of the year. It's typically frozen in the morning even it's inside the house. And to top it off, after I turn on the heater, condensation starts to appear on the dumbbells. 
Might they be going to get rusty? if so, how can I avoid it? where is this moisture come from in the first place? my breath? then should I stop breathing? It can't be! I can't do photosynthesis, though.

Why don't you give up using a heater? and leave the windows open! that'll help.
 >Are you trying to kill me? I'm not the one being yeti(snowman) at all!

You said your problem here was to get rusty with your dumbbells, right? then why don't you change materials of that into plastics or something which is not to get rusty?
 >That seems too light to work out...

Then, how about titan or something?
 >Don't you know how much it costs? too expensive!

You should accept it getting rusty and live together!
 >Live together? what does that mean? Are you nuts?

Nothing, but you can work out with rustied-dumbbell anyway, right? Do it now! Don't complain it!
 >Jeez, by the way, need I do it?

You say it at this time?


