

Since our company allowed us working from home, I do that once in a while. thanks to that, I start to think they seem to be gaining more weight these days. I'm saying about cats, of course.

Why could they be this way?

It's simple. I mean, the more time I am with them, the more snack opportunities they have. That's the law of nature. And then the more they eat that, the fatter they get. That's also the law of nature as well.

So long as you are human, you will do that, and cannot escape from the law of nature. more importantly, that's because you face cats. I think no one is immune to cats' I-want-your-attention vibe except for cats themselves.

What if there are dogs instead?
 >Then I'd love to be walked by them!
Huh? that sounds a little bit odd, doesn't it?
 >Hey, come on! don't you know that many people are already treated by dogs? Look at them, they are all smiles being toyed with!
Oh, I never thought that that's the way how they feel...
 >Fantasizing can save you! anyway which did you mean when you say "they"?




