

もう馬鹿か!と。歳だから労われ!と。計画性ゼロの行き当たりでばったり。しかし不確定要素は脳の運動に良いでしょうし、まあ無事ですので結果オーライ。オーライ(All right)は結果オールライト!としなかったカナ変換の好例だと思います。なんとなく松本を目指している途中で雨の気配がしたにも関わらず、目標を柔軟に修正できず強行しているところが問題だ!そ、そうね。でも途中でお目当てにしていた文房具を購入できたのでミッションコンプリートです。どんなミッションだよ。



Who doesn't like stationery? I love stationery so much that I have enough stock for a lifetime. pens are stuck as far as they can go in the pen stand, and the pen case swells up. I also casually check the stationery used by others and am extremely curious about the contents of the pen case. do you see what I mean?
but it's a shame to be decreasing amount of people around me who don't have pen case. it's called digitization. I like gadgets too, though. come to think of that, do the amount of elementary school students today use gadget instead of writing as well? if so, is the only time they use writing instruments during art class? just as fountain pens were replaced by ballpoint pens, writing instruments are destined to decrease in number. ..hmmm.

btw. I haven't used up staff notations(musical scores) I bought when I was a college student. I was young at that time...and was dreaming... why did I get those anyway?