

Now, I'm not the one that I once was!

I was 3rd-corona vaccinated and my temperature rose to 38.5 deg! that's roughly 3 degrees above normal temperature.
wait a sec. in that case, if my weight is 5500 g and my body is approximately water, does that mean I consume 16,500 calories? how should I think about per unit time?
※the calorie consumption for a 3°C fever is about 400-600 kcal.

during the fever, I had an auditory hallucination for the first time in a long time. not a human voice or anything, but a beeping sound. and a loud one at that.

actually, I haven't recovered yet and it's 37 deg, but it's getting easier. but to not be able to go out and photograph stray cats when it's my day off and the weather's nice! perhaps this is what old age is like... terrifying!
